Contents: neuro
behavioral coaching, performance coach, neuro,
neuropsychology, cognitive therapy, cognitive
behavioral therapy, behavioral coaching,
neuropsychology, performance behavioral coach course |
ICC Accredited Courses |
are Industry-Approved and internationally recognized! |
The International Coaching Council (ICC
-established in 1998) is uniquely both
an internationally recognized coach
training accreditation body and
a global coaching industry group.
What is Neuro Behavioral Coaching? |
Mainstream/Generic Workplace Coaches are trained to be goal and
professional skill focused. While Neuro Behavioral
Coaching (conducted by specialist, ICC accredited, Brain-Mind Change Agents)
is focused on people and
their environment. Both work successfully together, however, the
Neuro Behavioral Coaching addresses both
coaching and therapeutic issues whereas the generic coach must
remain within the coaching realm, staying away from the mental
domain and clinical / behavioral issues they are not trained in.
From the client's point of view, it's simply about the kind of
assistance they need eg; professional skills coaching or
brain-mind-body, holistic coaching or both.
Harnessing the principle of neuroplasticity (the ability of the
brain to change itself) Neuro Behavioral Coaching change models and tools focus on
accessing the subconscious mind and the limbic section of the brain
that is the critical link to the brain-mind union and how we can
affect neural changes/growth.
The targeted behavioral intervention's objective is to have the
client learn powerful, self-empowering, brain-mind change techniques
for peak performance, rejuvenation, well-being, health and
Mainstream Coaching is popular in part because it
appropriated some basic level aspects of the therapy
model without revealing such to the user. However,
generic coaches, are not
trained to work with emotional fitness, brain-based learning nor how
to use advanced behavioral and emotional change tools and techniques
that can bring about accelerated, measurable behavioral change.
Neurocoaching primarily focuses on the mind while the HPNB Coach
takes a holistic (Brain-Mind-Body) approach. It follows that HPNB
Coaching students are taught to understand the function of the brain
and how to best stimulate growth as part of the Brain-Mind-Body
Neuro-behavioral approach and neuropsychological cognitive
Because of the stigma of psychology, many people can only accept it
under the rubric of coaching. The problem is most people actually
NEED a neuro-behavioral approach simply because their needs are both
brain and mind related eg; the need to build new neural pathways to
further enhance their success levels or the emotional discomfort
that they're going through to their next level.
They don't actually have any specific coaching goals, but
simply want to be better and feel better.
High Performance Neuro-Behavioral Coaching is not about telling someone all of your childhood
problems and nor is it working with a coach who is not
trained in the use of modern change tools that have a basis in the
behavioral sciences. Today’s neuro-behavioral coach is a specialist
behavioral (as in -who we are, what we think and
what we do) and performance (the bottom-line) change
The Foundational Neuro-Behavioral
Psychology of the Behavioral Coaching Institute (ICI
Accredited) Courses Change
Models and Tools
You acquire easy-to-use, practical, behavioral science proven
tools that change and redirect the client’s neural patterns to meet
their learning and performance goals.
Interventions are designed not only to shape and build new neural
pathways, but also change the areas of our brain associated with
emotions and memories such as the pre-frontal cortex, the amygdala,
and the hippocampus which like our brains are not hard-wired (they
are ‘plastic’).
Brain's Limbic System
Harnessing the principle of neuroplasticity (the ability of the
brain to change itself) the course’s techniques and tools focus on
accessing the subconscious mind and the limbic section of the brain
that is the critical link to the brain-mind union and how we can
affect neural changes.
The targeted behavioral intervention's objective is to have your
people learn powerful, self-empowering, brain-mind change techniques
for peak performance, rejuvenation, well-being, health and
The Neuropsychological Cognitive Change Tools are experiential in
nature and also integrate components of: Behavioral change therapy,
Emotional realignment therapy, Neural shaping, Gestalt therapy, The
Psychology of Selves and, Positive Memory Reconstitution.
The Course’s cutting-edge, approach is at the forefront of
mainstream neuropsychological cognitive therapies.
Harnessing the principles of Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity (the
ability of the brain to change itself, the central nervous system
and the peripheral nervous system).
The objective of the targeted interventions is to have your 'coachee'
achieve perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful,
self-empowering, brain-mind change techniques to meet their Need
You will be provided easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering
neuropsychological techniques to give to your coachees (to practice
once a day for 15 mins) that change and redirect associated neural
patterns. The experiential mental exercises also helps boost their
endorphin levels that stimulate and balance the Immune System and
promotes the repair of cells and tissues to build a healthier,
stronger younger version of their brain.
The Limbic System (as mentioned above) is a key component of the
bodies neurocircuity.
Another key component is the vagus nerve (the longest cranial nerve)
which is the key to our well-being. The vagus nerve is a fibre
network that provides an interface between the brain and the gut
(our “second brain”). You will learn how increase the 'vagal tone
index' that directly affects our psychological and physical
Targeted, short interventions focus on the coachee learning powerful, easier-to-use, self-empowering, brain-mind change
techniques to meet their Need Goals within just 2 to 3 coaching
The Institute's easy to follow, step-by-step, accelerated credentialing courses
provides you the latest scientific evidence and advanced toolkit how
to change behavioral drivers that enhance performance, greater resilience,
decision-making, well-being and help people move to their next
level. |
Diploma in High Performance Behavioral Workplace
2. Diploma in Sports Psychology Coaching
This unique, easy to follow, accelerated credentialing course
provides you the scientifically proven, workplace coaching models
and tools that enhances productivity, IQ, EQ, creativity, intuition,
resilience and well-being.
An organizations success / productivity /profits are directly linked
to the physical AND mental wellbeing of their workforce.
Today’s work life, thanks to technology, travels home with us almost
24/7. Businesses know they need to respond to the strain this puts
on their high-performing workers.
There is a revolution taken place in the workplace as large and
small companies alike are learning how to promote neuropsychological
cognitive therapy with a user-friendly coaching delivery model. This
is also about the need to equip workplaces with the tools to
introduce individual and group wellbeing coaching programs to create
a healthier, happier, more productive, innovative and collaborative
Neuro-Behavioral Model of Change -the Critical Key for
Organizational Success.
Smart organizations don’t just get healthier by their intelligence.
Smart companies define organizational health as their capacity to
deliver superior long-term financial and operational performance
through a people health (brain-mind-body) management program.
Yesterdays dated definition of organizational health was focused on
aligning people behind a clear vision, strategy, and culture. The
missing corporate key for success was ensuring people were provided
the personal support they required to be their best Self. Not just
professional skills training or leadership coaching (first and
second level development) -but the employment of a Neuro-Behavioral
Model of Change incorporating mindset change, emotional regulation,
mental skills training and neurodevelopment (growing new neurons and
pathways in the brain) -third level tier development.
High Performance Behavioral Coaching teaches employees skills that prepare them to weather
challenging stressful days and work changes. It stress-proofs them.
Skills learned via a neuro-behavioral coaching model protects
employees from stress and helps those who are affected and down to
quickly and effectively recover. The cost savings are huge plus it
builds incredible trust and loyalty. The growing message to
employees today is now; “We know this work is stressful, so we will
help you and if you’re not working at your full potential, we will
also help you by providing the latest, scientific coaching as a
Businesses make a large financial investment in hiring smart,
creative employees so it makes financial sense that they need to
look after their worker’s brain and mind health. HPB Coaching is the
scaffolding for a high-performance work and life.
High Performance Behavioral Coaching is preventive care. We go to the gym and/or eat well to
keep healthy. We see our Doctor to get our annual physical checkup.
So it makes sense to offer care and support for emotional fitness
and development of the mind and brain. Some bottom-line benefits (as
confirmed by several recent studies) include increased productivity,
creativity, resilience, well-being, health and happiness.
Institute's HPBC Course: The Bottom Line
To survive and thrive in today's ever-changing, challenging
marketplace it is imperative that High Performance Behavioral
Coaching be provided to employees: as an open resource with a few
regular check-ups each year to confirm all is ok; to provide
sessional boosts to help workers rebalance their brain and mind
during particularly stressful times in their work or personal life
and; to provide individual case support for those whenever they
require it.
Most athletes are left alone to develop their mental skills and
capacity, thinking and feeling beyond the introductory level taught
by many sports coaches and sports
psychologists. Yet
they function in an increasingly
competitive and challenging world that repeatedly demands their consistent
best or next level to succeed.
Neuro-behavioral coaching can be likened
to giving your athletes or team their own private brain-mind-body gym.
brain is like any other organ in the body. If you exercise it, it
performs better. An efficient brain can accomplish more, with
greater accuracy, in less time.
repeated exercise, just as muscles respond and gain strength, the
brain similarly learns to self-regulate more and more optimally. Neuro-behavioral coaching is
highly effective because it helps athletes improve a wide range of brain functions.
Teach your
athletes easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering neuropsychological
techniques (to practice once a day for 15 mins).
Latest studies report,
after just a few minutes of regular use, decreased impulsivity and
anxiety, better mental clarity, more restful sleep, improved mood,
and a host of other side benefits.
Applying neuroscience, neuropsychology and working with the
brain-mind-body continuum legitimizes the work of a professional
sports coach.
NOTE: Your athletes will be empowered to self-coach themselves and engage in
regular neuro practice exercises anytime they have 10 free minutes. Significant, lasting,
measurable, performance improvement occurs in just 2 to 3 weeks.
Peak Performance Coaching
-as taught in the Course.
-How to move into the Flow Zone at will.
Neuro-behavioral coaching is used to ‘tune’ well-functioning brains to
enhance a person’s mental abilities and allow them to perform at
their peak.
A person’s ability to focus and concentrate is hindered when stress
and tension is carried in the body. Neuro-behavioral coaching increases
resilience and an individual’s ability to deal with stress. It
improves mental clarity, decision making capabilities and focus.
Bottom line performance, competency and efficiency are enhanced.
COURSE BONUS: Learn how boost your athletes Energy Levels for a more
productive and healthier Future!
- Learn how you can integrate Neuro-Bioenergetics in your coaching
to restore your athletes energy quickly and effectively.
- Learn how our Energy Field becomes disrupted and negatively
affects health, well-being and performance.
- Learn how to discover the root cause of your athletes discomfort
and restore their energy with the groundbreaking science of
Neuro-Bioenergetic. |
Read More :
Behavioral Coaching Institute's (established 1994)
internationally recognized,
High Performance Behavioral Coach
Diploma Course and
Sports Psychology Coaching Course (via Self-Study / Distance Learning or Campus Program
Formats) have been designed by world experts in the behavioral
sciences field and are continually updated with the latest science.
Some Useful Neuro Behavioral Coaching Links:
High Performance Behavioral Executive Coaching
Behavior Change -An Explanation
Workplace Mental Health
Workplace Well-being Coaching
Recession and Behavioral Coaching
Neuro Behavioral Coaching
Neurocoaching and failure of
traditional coaching to deal with today's growing
social malaise and personal loss of meaning
Neurocoaching versus Old
School Coaching
Neurocoaching, Shadow Avoidance and False "Feel
Good" Prophets
Content: anti-aging,
medicine, health, anti-aging medicine, younger, ant-aging
research medicine, top anti-aging medicines,, anti-aging
clinic, USA, |
© Copyright 1998-2021.International Coaching Council™.
All rights reserved.
New York, London, Singapore, Hong Kong |