internationally recognized group (established for over
two decades) is comprised of organizations, providers and
practitioners across the global professional workplace coaching
industry. The aim of the ICC is to provide the growing
number of client-users and organizational coaching practitioners a
means to validate their practice and be
at the forefront of the learning developments in
professional workplace coaching.
The ICC works to
fulfill its mission by
ensuring its members are trained in human behavior, change and
professional development best industry-based
The coaching industry has reached an important stage
in its maturation. This maturation is being driven
by the below interrelated forces:
(1) the accumulation of coaching experience by
professional coaches;
(2) the increasing entry of experienced
professionals into coaching from a wide variety of
prior commercial and not-for-profit backgrounds;
(3) the coaching education of management and
Human Resource professionals;
(4) an increasing awareness among coaches of
the need to ground their practice in a solid
theoretical understanding and empirically tested
models, rather than the standardized implementation
of “one size fits all” proprietary coaching
systems; and
(5) a growing disenchantment with the
international proliferation of low standard, pseudo-qualification mills.
In response to these forces we are seeing an
increased demand for both industry-based and evidence-based coaching
practice and coaching-related research.
-Some of the key trends in the professional
coaching industry today are:
(a) the need for coaching by qualified coaches
trained in proven behavioral-based methodologies and
(b) coaches employing psychological-based
mechanisms and processes to achieve sustainable
and measurable human and organizational change,
(c) the lack of formal educational literature for
the professional coach
(d) the growing number of academic courses grounded
in a theoretical approach delivered by
non-practising coaches
lacking in business expertise.
(e) a movement towards a scientist-practitioner
model of coach training and practice
(f) the gradual recognition of coaching as
a cross-disciplinary profession.
Many people call themselves coaches and their
education may range from a on-line course to a
doctoral degree from a major research university. Many
associations “certify” coaches although the
worth and meaning of many of these
certification efforts is not clear. That said, to
date, professional coaches have rejected
the idea of international or national occupational
standards that require measurement against statements
of competence and assume a deficit approach to current
practice. Professional standard frameworks are
owned by the
profession that develops them and implements them.
Assessing the knowledge, skills, resources and
abilities of a coach is of critical
importance to a prospective client-user. For
example; many inexperienced coaches rely heavily on
assessment instruments as the foundation of their
approach to coaching. Unfortunately, some very
popular and easily accessible instruments have
little or no data to demonstrate their value or
their usefulness. We encourage prospective
clients to ask questions to determine if the coach
can separate the pseudo-scientific, faddish and
trendy tools from truly useful, valid and
reliable tools. Additionally, we also
encourage clients to find out what valid assessment
instruments the coach may use since many are only
available to coaches trained and mentored by a
facilitator who is also a licensed clinical psychologist.
main success factor in any personal or collective
organizational change initiative, new business
or process or the creation of new
structures or teams, is the effective long-term
change of people’s behaviors. Professional coaches
want to know about how to best locate, assess,
measure and change the specific person
behavioral variables that affect a
coachee's specific area of development and
performance. It follows that organizations have
found that the most effective coaches are
highly experienced professionals who are well
educated in the areas of human behavior, change
and development.
Example of ICC partnering with a leading,
international Coach Educator
Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI) is an
international educational and research institution
(founded in 1994) that is focused exclusively on the continuous
development of the coaching model to
achieve sustainable personal and organizational
change and learning. The Institute is
recognized across the globe for the depth and
quality of its
courses, coaching technology and
publications focused on how to achieve genuine,
lasting, measurable behavioral change.
BCI is consistently
ranked the top provider of organizational and
business coaching education in the world. The
Institute, (Dr
Perry Zeus and Dr Suzanne Skiffington -Founding
Partners), has
produced over 7000 graduates
from over 60 countries via its
industry-recognized, elite Master Coach
certification program
and its Global Learning Partners have
certified over 5,000 coaches worldwide. The
Institute has also published scores
of articles on coaching, including international
best-selling text books (printed in multiple
languages) through its alliance with McGraw-Hill
International (N.Y).
other credential in the world of professional organizational
coaching carries the value and industry-recognition of certification
by BCI. Those who hold it have honed their
through rigorous, personalized study and follow-on,
application and mastery of
the advanced-level skills
in real-time."
for International Education
Today, BCI has a
growing global network of campuses in North
America, Europe and Asia. The regional
campuses provide custom courses and coaching
technology to address the development
needs of individual practitioners and
multinational companies, regional organizations,
governments, government-linked agencies,
educational institutions, hospitals, non-profit agencies and small business.
How to join the ICC via BCI:
Behavioral Coaching
Institute's extensive expertise, experience
and research and development in the behavioral sciences and leadership areas has
provided our ICC members with industry-proven behavioral coaching methodologies and tools for use
in a new or established coaching practice or business/organizational
coaching programs that cannot be obtained
anywhere else. This critical gap in knowledge and
resources is an important way for our members
to distance themselves from the rest of the
All graduates of the Institute's
industry-recognized Master Coach
Credentialing Course automatically gain membership to the ICC.
To learn more about the Master Coach Course -simply
visit the Institute's Graduate School
of Master Coaches or one of their accredited
educational partners.